Health2i Private Limited Apps

Doctor Gratis
Free online Doctor, Free Doctor, Free medical consultation foranymedical issues ( Doctor Gratis / Dokter Gratis ) Noappointmentneeded , instant live chat with our General Physicians.No waitingtime. Doctor Gratis with our general physicians is reallyfree, ourservices are free of charge the first days ! You can askfor freeour General Physicians, and get quick tips in a minute withourlive chat system. Our telemedecine platform is open 22/24 inweekdays, and 12/24 in the weekend. From the app, you can sendphotos,videos and lab results to our Physicians if its can help tohavethe best advise. Doctor gratis was founded for one basicreason. Toprovide the highest quality of healthcare to anyone inneed,without the common restrictions of seeing a doctor. Wegiveeveryone in the world instant access to medicine,anywhere,anytime. We firmly believe that you shouldn't be deniedthe bestquality of care because of insurance issues, financialhardships,geographical limitations or simply due to timerestrictions. If youlike the service thanks to post a good reviewabout it and share itaround you. After purchase service inside ourapp: For any complainor refund, please contact us at this email :[email protected]